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The 2014 Election is May 20th

May 1, 2014


Mitch McConnell has been in office since 1986. And, 30 years in the Senate is long enough. It’s time. You don’t reward a dog with a bone when he just peed on the floor.  The dirty McConnell-Rove machine needs to be removed. Please sign-up for remote calling on behalf of the true conservative and principled Matt BevinMuch is at stake.

If you haven’t figured out yet that in order to change America’s trajectory and stop Obama’s abuses, you must change the Republican Party. As RedState’s Erick Erickson points out, to change the Republican Party, you must vote out incumbents: namely, Mitch McConnell. The Republican betrayals will begin once and if the GOP incumbent’s win their primaries.

McConnell has voted to raise the debt limit ten times, voted for amnesty three times; co-sponsored amnesty with Democrats, and went into hiding during the Gang of Eight amnesty debacle. As FreedomWorks Julie Borowsky and Josh Withrow point out in their “10 Quotes” and “10 Votes” :

  • McConnell voted to let Harry Reid fund ObamaCare
  • McConnell voted for the fiscal cliff tax hike 
  • McConnell voted to increase the Federal Minimum Wage
  • McConnell voted for massive new subsidies and regulations: the omnibus energy bill 
  • McConnell voted for one of the most anti-civil liberties legislation in a generation; Patriot Act
  • McConnell called the passage of TARP, “Senate at its finest.” 
  • McConnell called Medicare Part D, “the most important social legislation … in my memory.”

Vote the same. Expect the same. Taking control of the Senate will mean nothing to our cause if McConnell is still in power. Karl Rove backed Dewhurst over Cruz. Rove and his money is now backing McConnell. McConnell endorsed and campaigned for GOP Trey Grayson, Rand Paul’s opponent in 2010. Greyson now heads up a PAC to get Democrats elected. 

If McConnell had his way, Trey Grayson would be in the Senate instead of Rand Paul; Charlie Crist would be in the Senate instead of Marco Rubio, David Dewhurst would be in the Senate instead of Ted Cruz; Arlen Specter would be in the Senate instead of Pat Toomey; and Bob Bennett would be in the Senate instead of Mike Lee.

McConnell said he’ll work to reelect every single GOP incumbent and ensure that conservative grassroots are defeated “anywhere in the country.”  It’s common knowledge in DC that McConnel and Boehner owe their leadership positions to their devotion to serving special interests. If you want a dictionary definition of the GOP establishment, it is moss-covered Mitch McConnell.

McConnell receives more money from lobbyists than any member of Congress and has been named as one of the “Most Corrupt” members of Congress ‘four’ times, including in 2013. McConnell is a corrupt sellout in the pocket of moneyed interests not aligned with the people of Kentucky. Democrats Cory Booker and Kay Hagan all share the same campaign donors as McConnell

When McConnell attacks FreedomWorks, Senate Conservatives Fund, Club for Growth, Madison Project, and the tea party — he is attacking the conservatives who have saved the Republican Party from itself. He is attacking you. Mitch McConnell attacks conservatives because his ideology is power.

Jim DeMint calls it: the ‘most important Senate race’ in the nation. Glenn Beck stated: “Mitch McConnell is as big of a danger to this country as Barack Obama is.” And, Mark Levin stated: “I don’t see how we will make progress in policy battles with McConnell… I endorse Matt Bevin.”  What good is a leader who waits until the liberals have 60 votes before opposing bad legislation?

Mitch McConnell is the Bernie Madoff of human trust:

  • refused to campaign against Harry Reid in 2010.
  • voted with Barbara Boxer to restrict gun sales
  • sought a grant for a biofuel plant at the same time he mocked Obama for the idea
  • expanded the Energy Department’s authorization: voted for the light-bulb ban
  • recommended the judge who forced gay marriage and overturned the ban on partial-birth abortions
  • voted for Wall Street bailouts & requested stimulus funds from Obama at least a dozen times

McConnell is enabling Obama and Harry Reid. Not only did McConnell fail to fight ObamaCare when it counted, he voted to fund it. Bringing down a rudderless leader like McConnell and replacing him with a real Conservative will send an unmistakably clear message to the GOP, our nation, and the following primaries. 

McConnell  has a 61% Disapproval/Unfavorable rating. With the exception of his 2002 race, McConnell has never won reelection with more than 55% of the vote. He is hovering around 50% now. If you’re conservative, you know the trick is to find more Ted Cruz’s and less obstructionist to conservatism, especially in leadership. Matt Bevin is a Ted Cruz.

Keep sending men like McConnell back to Washington, and you will continue to lose liberty. We need to do everything we can to get Mr. Bevin elected. This is why we have primaries. To vote out 30-year incumbents. Please sign-up for remote calling. This is critical in a state like Kentucky where flip-phones and lack of internet permeate rural areas.

This election in November will be won or lost starting May 20th.  The only way to change the direction of the country is to change the direction of the GOP. We thwarted Mike Castle and Charlie Crist, removed Arlen Specter, Bob Bennett, Richard Lugar and made Lisa Murkowski fight for her life.

Their “warchests” aren’t scaring people away anymore. We’re all watching their every move. Their games aren’t working anymore. And they don’t like it. Despite the frustrations, there’s been an enormous amount of turnover since 2006, in both the Senate and the House. No one is entitled to our vote merely by serving a long time in Washington. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time. Convictions, phone calls, money — it’s head-counting time. GOTV. It is our responsibility to remove any elected official that continues to support actions that do not reflect the will of the people. If you don’t help man the phones to remove these insipid incumbents, then you too are cowards.

To win the country back, we need to be as mean as the liberals say we are. Conservatives can win if we mobilize. The Republic is in peril. The Founders pledged “our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor”. What can we do? The McConnell-Bevin face-off is a proxy fight for the soul of the GOP.  Don’t stand by and watch. Make a difference. Thank you. #WAR


List of All Primary Dates

The Madison Project: 14 in 2014

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