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Twitter Patriots: Get Involved

May 1, 2014


It’s time to take some serious inventory. McConnell is a disgrace. A Republican majority in the Senate with him as Majority Leader would be utterly worthless. Just look at the last five years. This is why we have primaries. May 20th is the Kentucky primary. Early voting has begun. Please consider making calls from your home on Matt Bevin’s behalf. Link. With your help, this race is winnable.

Being anti-establishment does not mean blindly opposing any incumbent. But, McConnell is clearly not well-liked in Kentucky. He has an unfavorable rating of 61%. His approval rating is 32%. Two points lower than Obamacare. The way he won reelection in 2008 was by running $21M worth of relentlessly negative ads against his opponent. He can only win by burning down the building.

Dewhurst, like McConnell, was known by everyone in Texas. He had a lot more money than his challenger Ted Cruz, and enjoyed the solid support of most elected state-wide Republicans, including Rick Perry. Yet Dewhurst still lost because conservative voters didn’t trust him and Cruz was a plausible alternative.

Fast forward to today. Similarly, conservative voters do not trust McConnell and Bevin is a plausible alternative. Karl Rove is financing McConnell’s campaign efforts. They both hate you. They will lie to you. And, they’ll spend $20M doing so; $10M of $20M  has been spent. And yet, McConnell’s favorable rating is still stuck at 32%.

According to Cook’s analysis of all 2014 Senate races, McConnell is the only Republican incumbent in danger of losing to a Democrat this year. McConnell has been in office 30 years. That is about how long a good varnish would last. And, McConnell still has nothing positive to run on:

  • voted for Wall Street bailouts
  • voted to let Harry Reid fund ObamaCare
  •  voted with Barbara Boxer to restrict gun sales
  • voted for the fiscal cliff tax hike 
  • voted to increase the Federal Minimum Wage
  • refused to campaign against Harry Reid in 2010.
  • called the passage of TARP, “Senate at its finest.” 
  • requested stimulus funds from Obama at least a dozen times
  • voted for massive new subsidies and regulations: the omnibus energy bill 
  • voted for one of the most anti-civil liberties legislation in a generation; Patriot Act
  • called Medicare Part D, “the most important social legislation … in my memory.”
  • sought a grant for a biofuel plant as he mocked Obama for the idea
  • expanded the Energy Department’s authorization: voted for the light-bulb ban
  • recommended the judge who forced gay marriage & overturned the ban on partial-birth abortions

This is our Republican leader. McConnell voted for the original amnesty in 1986. Co-sponsored amnesty in 2000. Voted for amnesty in 2006. Went into hiding during the Gang of Eight amnesty debacle. And, will push for Amnesty if reelected this year. It is time ‘twitter conservatives’ play a more active role in election campaigns outside social media.

There are two easy ways conservative Patriots on twitter can help Matt Bevin get elected. One way is remote calling. Making calls from your home on Matt Bevin’s behalf. The other way is to leave pro-Bevin comments in the comment sections of articles of the Kentucky race on the Lexington Herald-Leader and the Louisville Courier-Journal; the two flagship papers in the state.

The challenge in Kentucky is it’s a heavy rural area. Flip-phones are still prominent and a lack of access to the internet in some rural areas makes online targeting from social media especially difficult, if not limited. Making phone calls from your home makes a HUGE difference both in candidate name-recognition and voter turn-out.

Canvassing the state, FreedomWorks and The Madison Project have set-up field offices across the state. Volunteers from Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Virginia and as far away as Texas are blanketing the state on the ground. National and out-of-state local Tea Party’s have set-up phone banks and Matt Bevin has put over 50,000 miles on his car in 6 months.

This should be one of the highest priorities of all conservatives, not just Kentuckians. Today, with the tools of technology and the help of volunteers, the grassroots has more power and influence than ever before. The Madison Project: 14 in 2014 has remote calling as well. The time is now. Conviction, phone calls, money — it’s head-counting time. GOTV.

Let’s quit pretending. This is war. Short of being inside the state of Kentucky on the ground, this is the most effective way ‘twitter patriots’ can make a difference. Please consider giving your time. Thank you. The Kentucky primary date is May 20th. Early voting has already begun. To sign up and help make calls from home, click this Matt Bevin remote calling link.


2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 18, 2015 6:23 pm

    this Turtle has funded Obamacare for a $2 billion pork deal and has been bought out by Obama a longtime ago along with Fellow Ky Rep Hal Rodgers also ancient that is printing the IDs for the Illegals

  2. April 18, 2015 6:35 pm

    Mitch McConnell is a sly old turtle that funded Obamacare for a $2 billion pork deal along with other Kentucky traitor also ancient Sen Hal Rodgers who is making the IDs for the illegals >fact not fiction

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