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50 Bullets: The Rubio-Schumer Scam

May 5, 2013


Bullets: The Rubio-Schumer Scam

The bill makes America less safe, not more.

The Gang of Eight Immigration bill is constructed to deceive the public. Not only is the bill a national security risk it simply smells Obamacare Part Deux. Seemingly good slogans are thrown around from the same people who brought you the Obamacare nightmare; but this time add-in four cafeteria Republicans. One being Marco Rubio.

As PJ Media points out, the bill is a cocktail of lawlessness, executive discretion, and legalistic trickery crafted by the organized, open-borders left. The bill and Rubio provides tough talking points – border security, background checks, and more. But hidden next to those talking points are off-switches that bureaucrats can flip to satisfy the leftist open-borders constituencies who wrote the bill.

The language of the bill doesn’t come close to what Rubio says. Practically every Rubio claim is empty. The comprehensive effects from chain migration alone will bury the Republic. The bill establishes a New Americans Task Force charged with ensuring that federal programs “adequately address” the healthcare, education, and job training needs of new immigrants (Sec. 2524).

Besides halting deportations for 2.5 years during the amnesty process, the bill ties the hands of front-line immigration officers and border agents, as if they were the lawless characters, and places the border officers under the thumb of the Justice Department; Office of Civil Rights (Sec. 1111, 1112, 1113).

Once illegals gain provisional legal status, which is immediately, they’ll qualify for in-state tuition rates at public colleges, a subsidy funded by taxpayers (Sec. 2245D(d)). And even worse for fiscal conservatives, virtually all funding is classified “emergency” under the Statutory ‘Pay As You Go Act’ of 2010. Spending on food stamps, Head Start, housing subsidies, other benefits will expand unlimited.

Rubio’s scheme would add an additional 33 million permanent workers via amnesty and future immigration in the first decade alone. Thirty three million is the equivalent of the top 20 most populated cities in the US. And, Sen. Sessions has uncovered a slick loophole  that provides illegal aliens with guaranteed access to all welfare and entitlement programs. All this is what the media is not telling you.

But the Rubio-Schumer con-game has no end. Rubio says illegals will have to ‘get in line’. Guess what? The line is 19 years long. To clear it in ten years requires doubling the number of legal immigrants. And under the Gang of Eight plan, the number of H1-B visas expand more than two-fold. Today, the US brings in 1.2 million ‘legal immigrants’ per year; more than rest of the world combined.

The Bill is huge, complex and progressive. It is designed to serve politicians. And like Obamacare, the bill is not the way it is being advertised. According to a Heritage study, the Rubio-Schumer amnesty price tag is $6.3 trillion and that does not analyze the entire Immigration bill, just the amnesty portion. Oh, and Rubio’s scheme calls for: a national biometric database on all adult Americans.

But, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And, Rubio-Schumer have shown none. Zero. Advertised as a comprehensive reform to secure the border and strengthen the immigration laws before allowing legalization. It does neither. It weakens the border and it is instant Amnesty. The bill makes America less safe, not more.


Rubio’s Amnesty scheme: [S. 744]

  1. will COST Taxpayers $6.3 Trillion, just for amnesty; via Heritage. [Note]
  2. June’s CBO report: Senate S.744 bill allows 46 million immigrants by 2033. CBO.
  3. contrary to Rubio’s rhetoric, his no-welfare claim doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
  4. illegal aliens won’t have to pay back taxes to the US (page 68).
  5. allows illegal aliens to access state & local welfare benefits immediately. 
  6. calls for a national biometric database on all adult Americans.
  7. requires every American to obtain a National ID card to work legally in the U.S.
  8. grants amnesty simply after submitting a security ‘trigger’ ‘PLAN’.
  9.  same chain migration provisions extended to family outside US at DHS discretion.
  10. DREAM fast-track amnesty with NO age cap allows citizenship in five years.
  11. over 400 waivers, exceptions, and exclusions. Enormous power grab by DHS.
  12. grants amnesty to criminals and gang members. Criminal ‘catch & release’ easier.
  13. makes legal immigrants eligible for subsidized Obamacare upon arrival. Costly.
  14.  $150 million SLUSH FUND for kickbacks to groups who wrote; promoted bill.
  15. border agents put under thumb of DOJ; Office of Civil Rights (Sec. 1111,1112, 1113).
  16. prohibits border officers apprehending alien who “appear eligible” for legalization (69-70).
  17. guts state laws prohibiting employment of illegal aliens. Anti-Arizona crowd; Rubio.
  18. requires taxpayers to foot the bill for illegals to fight deportation.
  19. on page 496, the bill explicitly ‘preempts’ states from enforcing immigration laws.
  20. does not require Amnestied illegal aliens to learn English; Or even ‘de facto’ English.
  21. provides protection for illegal identity thieves, but no restitution for victims.
  22. amnestied aliens who stole American identities given new SS # and clean slate.
  23. allows aliens, lobbies to sue US government for amnesty (page 75). Lawyer prize.
  24. employers who aided fraud by accepting bogus ID’s, SS #’s won’t face penalty.
  25. Families of elderly parents now living outside US, eligible for fed benefits in 10 yrs.
  26. deportations are suspended for everyone here; bill invites deported to come back.
  27. allows aliens who have been deported to return and get legalization (pages 61-66).
  28. makes application’s secret; never be used by DHS for deportation (page 118).
  29. ostensibly halts all deportations for 2.5 yrs. Subject to sole discretion of DHS.
  30. no fence. The plan only calls for DHS Secretary to “establish fence strategy”.
  31. gives secretary of DHS the sole power to certify if the borders is secure.
  32. provisions in bill show that 66% of Southern border will be unprotected.
  33. Requires only 3 of 9 southern border sectors to have 90% apprehension rate.
  34. no biometric exit-entry system as currently required by law. Watered-down provisions.
  35. “community organizers” educate immigrants on citizenship & American principles.
  36. no DHS requirement to interview applicants for legalization (pg 105). Rubber-stamp.
  37. no gov’t documents or background checks required to identify new immigrants.
  38. discourages DHS from deporting aliens even if denied legalization. (Sec. 245B-3-A)
  39. prohibits alien deportation until after appeals are exhausted years into future (page 73).
  40. eligible for legalization even if found by court a phony asylum application filed (page 66).
  41. puts drastic limitations on “profiling” on employer side and law enforcement side.
  42. Rubio’s proclaimed Border Commission is only glorified DHS advisory committee.
  43. easy pathway to get asylum. Eliminates 1-year window for asylum (page 551).
  44. grants tremendous political power to the Mexican gov’t, Left groups and La Razza.
  45. every form of enforcement promised was promised in 1986, 1990, 1996 immigration acts.
  46. E-verify & watered-down visa tracking system are not implemented for TEN years.
  47. replaces E-verify with unspecified verification system not available for years (p. 503)
  48. adds addt’l 33M permanent workers via amnesty, future immigration in 10 yrs. Graph.
  49. special-interest provisions, favors connected agribiz special interests, not small farms.
  50. requires immigration officers help aliens apply; advertise legalization program (page 93).
  51. opens door for class action lawsuits; judges appoint taxpayer-funded council (p. 567).
  52. H1-B visas prioritized, expanded. Emphasis importing non-skilled, cheaper labor.
  53. Flashback: Democrats force U.S. taxpayers to fund illegal alien welfare.
  54. video will enlighten anyone regarding unethical conduct of immigration attorneys.
  55. detailed summary of flawed provisions in the Rubio-Schumer bill.
  56. read the fine print in the Immigration Bill. Summary.
  57. read five myths about the Senate Amnestied Immigration Bill.
  58. list of rejected amendments that would have improved S.744.
  59. top 40 reasons to oppose the Gang of Eight amnesty bill — S. 744

This bill has no guarantee of enforcement. The Rubio-Schumer scheme is a national security risk. The bill makes America less safe, not more. Just listen to this ICE agent in Senate testimony. Imagine, if you will, a bill that legalizes 30 million illegal aliens, and only 0.01% were terrorists, that would be 3,000 terrorists. Rubio’s amnesty scheme serves as a magnet for more illegal aliens because enforcement provisions are ‘fake’

Nearly every form of enforcement promised in this bill was also promised in the 1986, 1990, and 1996 Immigration Acts. But, Rubio’s deceit circus marches on, now promoting a ‘fake’ 2X border fencing security amendment. Note to Marco. Your fake amendment is already law, mandated seven [7] years ago, in The Secure Fence Act of 2006.  Lastly, those hardest hit by the Rubio-Schumer amnesty scheme will continue to be those who want to be admitted legally – as well as – the US taxpayers.

For a full report about Rubio and his ‘messaging’ deception, go here.

Call your Senators. Marco Rubio D.C. phone number -> Phone: 202-224-3041


18 Comments leave one →
  1. Lisa G permalink
    May 7, 2013 1:46 am

    Back in the 80s? 90s? when the craze was for food companies to “diversity” often into head-scratching other businesses, someone asked either the CEO or chairman of the board of McDonald’s why was it that McDonalds wasn’t grabbing up all sorts of “diverse” companies. Answer was, that McDonalds has 1,725 (making up the number, but it was alot) bathrooms in our restaurants, and when all of those are clean, we might think about diversifying.

    I have the same message about invasion – I don’t call it immigration I call it invasion – we have American citizens out of work, in need of training, in need of better and lesser government, in need of protecting, in need of many things. Until every one of our American citizens is fully employed at an appropriate level, with training if needed, then why do we owe anyone, let alone people here ILLEGALLY from the git-go one blessed dime? One bit of legality? We as citizens are expected to obey the laws of this country, and of our own locality – – if we do not there are consequences, and our everyday freedom can be taken away. Yet “we” must defer to a group for whom their illegality is REWARDED. The more I hear the “I’m entitled to come into the U.S.” type attitude, the more I see people and groups e.g. La Raza promoting non-assimilation and our deference to them including a free pass on breaking our fundamental laws, the less I even want people who think that way as fellow citizens or even legal residents. What kind of fool welcomes hostility into their home?

  2. May 7, 2013 5:10 am

    Superb piece. Shared it all around and will continue to do so. Once average Americans realize what’s ‘in it’, they will like it even less than Obamacare. Quite literally, it will take this country down. Period.

    • klsouth permalink*
      May 7, 2013 6:19 am

      Thank you Sharon. It is my hope word get’s out too, and quick. I agree, this bill is a nation destroyer.

  3. May 8, 2013 8:13 am

    their doing to help speed up our destruction! thats what their nwo demon infested masters have told them to do!

  4. The One permalink
    May 8, 2013 2:40 pm

    Everyone is missing the real point of all this… The agenda is to consolidate power by buying 30 million votes with amnesty and freebies on our dime. Then they systematically destroy what little remains of the republic. These leftists from the sixties who are now in power are still seeking their great revolution and overthrow of this nation. They will stop at nothing to destroy what they hate…FREEDOM! You are targeted for termination America. When the Soviet Union collapsed and the KGB records were opened all the people on McCarthy’s list were there as assets and spies. Tail-gunner Joe was right all along and they railroaded him out of congress and crucified him for exposing the plot to destroy America from within. The next step is to get the guns or start a civil war to complete the job.

  5. May 8, 2013 7:32 pm

    Open borders left? Republicans started a war in 2003 AND LEFT THE SOUTHERN BORDER WIDE OPEN.
    Until such time when the American people form a solid third party business will be as usual.
    False flags will get bigger and bolder probably culminating in a Nuclear strike ,what ever it takes will be done to the American people.
    The North American Union calls for the leveling of all 3 countries,Mexico up us down.
    laws will change to reflect Canadian laws ,Gun laws are coming soon.

  6. May 10, 2013 3:18 am

    That was intensive research, I would like to post on those FB I follow-if I have the OK

    • klsouth permalink*
      May 10, 2013 4:17 am

      Yes, of course. You never have to ask, Kris. You have Carte Blanche! Thanks for reading. 🙂

  7. May 10, 2013 3:20 am

    OK, now about Jeff Flake sudden turn to the left?

    • klsouth permalink*
      May 10, 2013 4:18 am

      Flake. Who paid him off?

  8. May 30, 2013 12:31 am

    Reblogged this on Liberty Guardian.

  9. Carolyn Dorsey permalink
    June 21, 2013 10:22 am

    Hey Kelly! Thanks for putting it right out there! Will spread spread spread this article! You’re the BEST!


  1. 50 Bullets: The Rubio-Schumer Scam |
  2. THE FINE REPORT - Rubio commits suicide: doubles-down on the ‘Obamacare’ of immigration bills
  4. 50 Bullets: The Rubio-Schumer Scam | bonniesbumps
  5. Website of Top House Republican Drops Opposition to Amnesty and Others Are Waffling… Get Invovled! | askmarion
  6. Get Ready For The Next “Cram-Down” | Justincase505's Blog

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